Saturday, August 14, 2021

The Market The Garden The Peaches

 I t used to be that the Clintonville market was so crowded one could hardly see everything.  Many of us looked forward to Saturday because of the market.  For some reason, the powers that be moved it to the fairgrounds and while the venders showed up, the customers did not.  It is such a shame because those venders rely on Saturdays to make their money.  Andy did get some lovely  corn on the cob and I cannot wait to get it shucked and designated.

We have the brisket in the smoker. It is our third attempt at smoking meat and so far so good, and I mean good. Low and slow, so if you put it in the smoker and you are hungry to start, you are in for a long wait.

I am enjoying a peach, real peaches margarita. Nate has been to the out- of-town peach farm and on his way home to Baker's Acres for more plants.  He has started another garden and he is good at it.

I have lost many of my readers due to my 'blues' lapse, but maybe they will come back. I still have not remembered all that I wanted to post during that time, but it too will appear one day.  It's summer, let's make the most of it while we can. Thanks for reading.

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