Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Rice Krispie treats

We have had a run on rice krispie treats for the last two weeks.  We can't seem to get enough and I can't seem to stop making them.  Marshmallows have been in other dishes for some reason too.  So when Kroger had 10 bags for ten dollars Andy bought them.  Thinking they were the small bags I approved.  Yiiikes these bags were enormous. However, we now have only 6 bags left, so you can imagine the wedges of rice that has been consumed at Many Branches and beyond.  Beth had Bible study a couple of nights ago and the ten ladies devoured a large glass dish of these tempting squares.  They are so delicious, simple to make, and pleasing to eat.  You have all made them and or eaten them, so no need for a recipe here.  Next time I am going to start adding things to the batch.  You know me, I can't leave well enough alone. Dried fruit?  Why not?  Nuts?  Sure. Peanut butter, yes, please.

My window saga continues.  When I called the man to say how awful the windows were and mostly not done at all, he sent a woman the next day to fix the bad job, forgetting to tell her the girl never even made it upstairs at all.  Sigh.  Anyway, the downstairs windows are done inside and out and they look good.  I am not going to mention upstairs to him because I can't bring myself to go through showing people who don't care about working how to open the windows, tilting them in to get both sides of the unit without going outside.  I'm worn out just writing about it... and, you are tired of reading about it.

I continue to enjoy the Facebook of Carlsbadcravings.  She shares recipes from other sites and from her own collection freely and happily. If you haven't check her out, give it a try.  I think she has a blog too, but I have not visited that for some time.

I'm loving the long hot days of summer.  I get up early just to make the day feel longer and to enjoy my coffee out by the pool before the heat takes over.  We are so lucky to be able to enjoy this wonderful country.  We are looking for a pool float for me, a chair but one where it is extended for the legs.  Then I can float around in the mornings with my coffee.  lol  What a nut!

Enjoy your life.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...