Sunday, April 3, 2011

Clean and Dump Day

April has always been a big month for me. Andy and I got married on April 4th fifty-two years ago and a year later our first child was born on April 29th. It has been a month of good ideas and good luck for me since I can remember.

Aprils are a bit tamer now and thoughts of opening the pool, setting out the outdoor furniture, and the constant update of table umbrellas fill the mind. Today Matt and Nate are taking on the April chores before Nate leaves, tomorrow, for a spring break where it is warm and friendly. We have a dumpster at the ready and today is a total clean and dump day in preparation for spring, graduations, and a special party on May 29th. Donatos (pizza) is on the menu today.

Things start off in the living room where we are dumping the two couches and the area rug...and off we go. From the attic to the apartment it is clean and trash, hopefully all day (if they want to get paid.) Wish me luck.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...