Thursday, January 5, 2017

2017 so far, not so good~

Andy brought me primroses and I made him an apple treat

Image may contain: food

I always like to start the year off right, but it has been a bumpy ride so far.  First, I ,who have had perfect and even low some times, blood pressure have had astoundingly high blood pressure readings for almost two weeks straight. We finally got that under control with the doctor's help. (I think Alleve is the culprit causing the high blood pressure.)  As the doctor went out the door he said if you are taking Alleve or Advil stop until we understand what is going on. Just be careful and read the warnings.

Then, Fergie, one of the family dogs, took a turn for the worse and had to be put to sleep because of an inoperable tumor. We are still not over that loss. Our son, David, lost his 15 year -old dog companion, Gus, three weeks before Fergie's death.  He took that very hard as well.  We do love our dogs.

Now I am getting a cold and have not had one for years.  Enough already! That is enough badness to last a long time. I know there are far worse problems out there.  On a happy note:
(It wasn't a cold after all.  I was allergic to something that went away after several wash loads of pillows and throws.) So things are looking up after all.

I hope your year started off and continues to be perfect.  I will get back to blogging once I get over these afflictions.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...