Thursday, March 28, 2019

Errand outing...

Andy and I had an outing today.  Where the old Kroger store was located there is a big place called Home Buys. I had my doubts, but nonetheless, we went exploring.  Behold there is an enormous wine section!  I then thought probably all California, but no, the more I looked the better it got.  We ended up with a dozen bottles of good French wine.  I heard a woman raving about the selection in the next aisle.  She said you know the woman that directed Anderson's wine area (and the store is now gone) is in charge of Home Buys wine section.  What a job she is doing.

We also bought three outdoor umbrellas for around the pool at a gobsmack price. Three umbrellas (cost) would have only bought 1/2 of one umbrella any place else. Another thing, those wiggly outdoor water hoses that cost $20. to $30, cost us $8. today. As we unpack I will keep you posted on what I have forgotten to tell you about.

We then went to Sam's, so I am cooking big today.  Well, not cooking ribs, but I bought two of those 3-pound packs of ready to warm sauced and delicious ribs. Also, two of their rotisserie chickens which are the best buys in Columbus...three- pound chickens for $4.98 beautifully cooked and ready for dining.  Then there is the fresh fruit section; wonderful Driscoll's blackberries, oh my gosh, so delicious today as well as plump round blueberries, how the dogs love blueberries so they will have a treat as well.

Andy is planting the window boxes for the first of the season.  They get replanted about three times until frost and Johnny-Jump-Ups are looking good.  The pool opens early May, we usually do it much sooner for the aesthetic aspect (the sooner you open the cleaner it will be too) but Andy is not in the mood to start that as soon as usual, so we have time to power wash.  Since we are not doing Easter, we can move at a slower pace.  We are dining out on Easter. Yea!

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...