Friday, May 22, 2020

All is well on the Lechler front.

I figure I have been away from home only once a month for the five months of staying put. Today is actually the fifth time and the most exciting.  I am going to the beauty parlor, Yes.  Andy has been to the barber and looks quite nice and I hope to have a pleasant outing and will find it interesting to sit in a chair in a mask for two hours while someone, new to me, tries to make me presentable once again. It can't be any worse than it is now.

The rain has stopped and today it is beautiful.  The flowers are jumping out of the pots, they do love this weather.

Oh, I didn't tell the truth. I actually saw a doctor yesterday,  a real live one.  I don't know where they have been hiding, but I made an appointment for a shot for my foot (two other times and the appointments were canceled) But yesterday I actually saw a real life in the flesh doctor.  I could not sit down upon entering the building, she took my information and temperature while I stood and would not accept my co-pay.  They are waving the fee evidently and do not want to be contaminated by money. The doctor was great, as usual and now I am good to go.

All is well on the Lechler front.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...