Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Dog's spa day

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Hello from Many Branches.  Have a happy Fall.

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Every September Dr. Nicole hosts the three Lechler dogs for the day: bath, shots, exams, and treatment for any other problems she sees during her intense exam. The dogs quiver and shake but she is so caring and gentle they start to feel at home then, look out. Before you know it they are running the place, or so they think.  They felt very sleek as they climbed the scales each having lost a pound due to their daily runs to the far corners of our acreage. Posy is twelve and Winston is eleven but they are moving very well.  

Joe and Glenda arrive Thursday to stay until Monday.  There will be cards involved (and drinks).

November plans: Our ladies trip to New Orleans is moving right along.  We have reservations and plans that sound like a really good time.  Mixing the Ohio Lechlers with the Battencourt New Orleans relatives and the Florida ladies has to be a good formula. The husbands want to go, but no, not this time. We will all be there on Friday at the Clabourn Mansion.  We will have dinner and then after 9:00 we will go to the Rock and Bowl.  There is a live band and bowling and I guess food, but we never eat there.  Drinks, of course, and it is loud!  Love it. Dancing, yea.  Saturday everyone is meeting at The Broken Egg where I am having shrimp and grits for breakfast.  I still remember that dish from the last time I was there. Yum.  Then we will visit Miss Muffet, a store with wonderful items.  There is high tea at Windsor Court with champagne and finger sandwiches and sweets.  Very elegant.  A big late dinner at some really good restaurant.  I am not sure what is up for Sunday but fun will be afoot.  We leave Monday for home. Then it is time to plan for Thanksgiving.  Love it all.

It is so quiet here with the dogs gone.  Andy and I feel ourselves whispering.  He is off to class at 11:00 and I will have the place totally to myself for a few hours.  What to do?  What to do?

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...