Saturday, March 31, 2018

The cast of Julia

It used to take a village (on the floor behind Julia) to make the first cooking show on TV.  It takes about 19 hours now days to do one half hour segment.  I read this some place, so I am sure Julia's took a lot longer to put on air. What a treat it was and most of the time a treat now.  I am not in to the judging, challenges, contests, and road trips.  Guy is on way too much. I still like Barefoot, without the giggling, and Pioneer Woman, and some  cooking shows on Public Television on Saturdays, like Lydia, and Martha. These people have found their place in the business of cooking and they work hard to maintain their position in the world of cusisine. I loved the Julia spots on SNL Too bad SNL is so political now, that has poisoned the show for me.

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people sitting, kitchen and indoor

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...