Thursday, July 12, 2018

Maintenance Day

Maintenance day today. No floating in the pool.  It is time to get spruced up for the week end.  I got plenty of sun yesterday so I will give it a rest until tomorrow.  Today Andy is off to get a hair cut and then I am off to get a pedicure.  Then we meet up to go buy a gift card for the birthday boy in Cincinnati. If I am lucky we will go to lunch.

We may stop at Sam's to pick up more ribs to test, a rotisserie chicken for the dogs' breakfast meals, (Yes, they eat well) and some fresh items in produce.

I will try to ignore the pool when we get home, but Andy will take a dip for sure.

I think I am done with Cook's Corner on Wednesdays.  I might miss it, but what I really miss is the local woman's (editor's) touch each Wednesday as she guided us through recipes and tips that were well placed and thoughtfully helpful.  Now it is so professional it is like watching the TV's cooking shows with no common community touch. I don't think I have used a recipe from the paper since Lisa left. Sigh. All good things come to an end.

I have not found a really good book to read in a long time and of course, there is nothing on tv during the summer. Why are they still running the Crosby shows (for many reasons), The Golden Girls, Lavern and Shirley; well, you get the point? On the bright side, there is Netflix. As I read this I think about people with real problems and hang my head in shame.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...