Monday, September 10, 2018

Posy at the dentist

What, no breakfast this morning?  For any of us?

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It is early this morning and we have hidden the water bowls and the food for Posy is going to the Vet dentist for some well -needed mouth operations. Winston will be next. The dogs are alert that something is going on and they have the jitters.

 Today is to warm back up but everything is soggy wet after two days of steady rain.  The plants are going crazy and the grass is beautiful.  It looks like Ireland in Columbus.

This is September birthday week at the Lechlers: Nate, Matt who is in Chicago on business, and Andy who has class on Mondays and Wednesday at OSU. Nothing is planned but we probably won't be going to Ritzy's to stand in line for burgers and fries.  (Actually, they were good and the milk shakes like they used to be, but not good enough to stand in the rain on any day.)

I have the last of the corn to deal with today and the wonderful Honey Crisp apples calling my name.  They are so good sliced with scoops of Kroger honey crunchy peanut butter on them.  There were no peaches at the market this time, but the peach guy said next Saturday he would have one last late crop batch for us all.

Posy is looking worried.  An hour to go and she is giddy.  Silly girl, she has no idea the agony that awaits.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...