Friday, January 17, 2020

Soup to-do

People are fighting over my cauliflower, potato, and broccoli soup! Well, that is an exaggeration. I made a large pot of that soup and Andy had one big cup of it topped with crisp bacon and onions.  He went back for seconds and it was gone.  I heard Matt's family was down with the flu, so I made a large care package of two soups, special crackers and sent it to them with Mike. Andy was in a snit carrying on about the missing soup.  So when he was leaving for Kroger, his daily visit, I asked him to get the things necessary for the soup that he liked so much.  He did and I did and that was that.  He is full and sassy at the moment.  He had told the soup story to the produce lady at Kroger as he was picking out all of these vegetables--will I ever hear the end of it?  Not likely.

Andy is taking classes again at OSU. The subject is the Cosmos and he is raving about the professor who really knows her subject.  He has taken, and aced, his first test today and is feeling cocky. (Well, not at the moment, he is sleeping off the soup.)

I am feeling a little like entertainment withdrawal.  I have not had a group here since July.  That is a long time in my world.  I may have forgotten how to do it. lol

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...