Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Roasting pork

Is there anything that smells as inviting as pork roasting in the oven at low and slow? The whole house is invited to share in the cozy ambiance as the potatoes, pork, and carrots prepare themselves for the feast.  I needed a dish that took no time to throw together and did not need nannying because I am deep into a gripping book called the Chemist.  I love Amazon. One can read a chapter or two on the computer so that you know if the book clicks for you.  Sometimes the prologue is better than the actual content, but mostly it is very helpful.

Have you started stocking up on meat?  I see on television that's the next slap that we have to contend with as if 'it' is not disconcerting enough. Then there is the strong, mean mutant strain growing from the virus, slaying as it grows. I am settling into another few months of being at home but I am not worried about that, I like it here and I have plenty to keep me happy and content. (Beth says I am the most contented woman she has ever known.) Maybe, except for the hair, I do get agitated about that.  So does she.  Every evening she threatens to color her hair, but then she doesn't; hoping the ban will be lifted as we all do.

The flowers are cheerful, loving this weather of cool, rainy, hot and repeat. I have a tan and with a few days of sun in between clouds it is a comfortable coloring.

I will try to become more interesting with this blog, but right now I have only three acres of contentment to offer; even the deer and coyotes have left the area.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...