Thursday, February 20, 2020

Isabel Wolff

A lady who was my bus mate in Italy in October has kept in touch, as have many other bus tour members, but this one is a reader.  She has moved me in the direction of some very good authors.  Isabel Wolff is one of them.  I just finished three of her books: Shadows over Paradise which was very good, The Very Picture of You and it was good, then there was my first read which was A Vintage Affair and I like it very much.  Her other books on Amazon and there are many, but they don't seem to be much more than beach reads although I must admit I have not tried any of those.  I do recommend these three that I have listed, however.

Spring is just around the corner and I am trying to get in all my favorite stews and chowders before the season becomes too hot for them.  The showers and weddings are a bumper crop this season with at least four just in the spring alone. Then there is our grandson graduating from the University of Florida at the end of the summer, so we are flying down to Florida for several days of pleasure.

Andy has started tramping the yard.  He is ready to plant.  It is also good exercise.  He takes our one remaining dog and off they go for a good tramp.  Andy carries a rake in case the coyotes are coming for a visit.  Bella would be a snack that they would enjoy. I want another Yorkie. I miss a posse of dogs.

Good reading.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...