Wednesday, August 1, 2018

On the menu

You can't go wrong with chicken salad in this family.  Just like this, it goes down easily and is well received.  Or, as hot chicken salad with potato chip topping it is equally enjoyed in this family.  I think, too, the spicy panko bread crumbs on top of the hot chicken salad would be good.

What's broken today?  Good question; the second TV went on the blink and Spectrum did not show for the appointment to fix the one in the Lady Cave last night.  So now they have two to contend with and a cranky woman to greet them at the door.  Spectrum, like Time Warner, does not fix the weak signal problem that is in this area.  They are quick to bill on time each month, but the weak signal has never been addressed by either company.  Switch you might suggest, but the same lines are used no matter which company you pay and therein lies the problem.

What am I reading?
An author I have never read is Daniel Silva and no evening TV drove me to The English Girl.  I am nearly finished with it and it is so out of my character to stick to a global spy novel, but nevertheless, I've done it and I am nearly finished with it.

You will never find this old book which is one of my favorites.  I read it at least once a year before moving into this house.  I've picked it up again and am sinking in to comfort just reading it again.  The Country Kitchen by Della T. Lutz (Little Brown, and Company) first put out the year I was born, so it is very relatable for me.  The father was so much like my dad that I have to laugh at his antics... It's as if I had recorded them in my own diary. 

On the menu… Chicken salad

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...