Tuesday, July 23, 2019


I had long thought of having a food truck until they became so prevalent.  I would have called it Soupcon (sounds like soups on) meaning a little bit (of soup).  I would serve only soups and bread items to go in or with the soups. I could actually make soup every day especially when I open the pantries and refrigerators and see all the wealth of ingredients.  Like today: I had Yukon Gold potatoes that needed using.  The day was cool like the beginning of fall, so potato soup came to mind because it can be eaten hot or cold...vichyssoise. Then I spotted, after starting the potato soup, a bag of shredded cabbage with carrots.   I looked out the window and there was Andy's celery begging to be a part of this delicious concoction. I cooked the soup and at the end added the shredded cabbage.  The contrast of the soft potatoes and the crunchy cabbage was delicious.  THAT would be one of my go- to soups.  I know the cabbage will not stay crispy, but it will still add a dimension to the finished product.

Andy is off to his last class of the summer and has already begun the search for OSU classes for fall.  He is a life long learner. The situation affords exercise for the mind and body.  He takes the bus and walks the rest of the way to classes.  If it is a walking class he is the last to arrive at the appointed spot, but he gets there.  Currently, in the class description paragraphs, it states that one must be able to keep up with the (walking) group.  Andy laughed believing that sentence was meant especially for him. When it comes to minds, however, he can match his with the best of them.  Andy is really impressed with the minds of his classmates.  They know what they are talking about and have a clear vision of where they are going in life.

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.  Enjoy it.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...