Friday, February 19, 2021

It is not pretty but...

 Our chair lift is in and it is the subject of many memes (I don't know what that is but it has brought great joy to the receivers of pictures of Mike riding up the staircase.) It is not the first time I have been the subject of these jokes that, I don't get, called memes. Once I sent a text to David by voice about a relative who wanted a roof.  Her name was Lynn Fox but the Fox came out f---. I went on and on about how badly Lynn Fox wanted the roof and how quickly Lynn Fox wanted the roof and it all went viral. I am glad I give my boys such joy.

Well, the lift is terrifying and useful.  We probably could have waited another few years, as MidWest said they would hold the price for me several years ago. No matter how long I waited and they kept their promise, so we got a great bargain, thanks to Jack and Martin and Martin's boy, Kyle, who put it in today. It is not pretty, but neither is going to an assisted living compound.  We plan to leave here feet first. We have had a ride up and down several times, but tomorrow morning, when I usually have to carry Bella (Yorkie) down the stairs, it will be very handy, and I will eat my words then. I know a little girl who will like the ride too.

I made soup today and a nice salad.  We are on salads with a couple of meals a day now. I like those mini bunches of artisanal lettuce from Kroger, or Whole Foods. There are four in a bunch each one different and very fresh.  And, they hold their freshness for several days. I like hardly any dressing on the salads and Andy takes about two teaspoons full. He is starting to watch his intake which has gotten out of hand with my constant cooking. If he goes on a diet, there will be no one to cook for on this property. I will lay around and eat bon-bons and watch soaps.

Talk to you later.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...