Saturday, March 2, 2013

Favorite Things

It is another snowy day today and I am getting weary of it even though we escaped the conditions for
a month early on...but it won't give up. So maybe it's a good time to pull out the Anne of Green Gables books.  I read this series each year at one point or another. I am only sorry I had not discovered this wonderful set of 'reads' before I quit teaching.  When I taught I took an inordinate amount of time after lunch each day for reading to my class. They remember it still and I don't regret one word. But, Anne of Green Gables was not a part of that calming period in our lives. My husband and I liked these stories so much that we bought the series on tape read by an English woman with a wonderful voice for the Canadian setting on Prince Edward Island.  Andy and I would listen to the entire series driving to antique shows all over the United States. We knew what was coming and could practically say the lines with the reader, but it had  a peaceful, cozy, calming rhythm to the script which we both enjoyed to no end. If you haven't read these book, no matter your age, get them from the library and then I am sure you will buy the set for yourselves.

Pinned ImageLucy Maud Montgomery, author of Anne of Green Gables Coming soon to a table near you.                                                                              

Lucy Maud Montgomery author of Ann of Green Gables 

Anne of Green Gables
Anne of Green GAbles

Anne of Green Gables                          Prince Edward Island - Anne of Green Gables country

Chicken pot pie. Yum.

adorableThis has nothing to do with Anne, I just liked this little cottage.

I am also liking The Following (TV series) with Kevin Bacon on Monday nights at 9:00.  It is exciting, almost as good as 24 was.

I like the following blogs, so far:
Recipe Girl
Country Cook
The English Kitchen
I like a couple of the cooking shows--not as many as I once did because they are making them all in to competition and reality type shows with judges etc. I still like Barefoot Contessa, but not as much as I once did. Pioneer Woman is easy to view. Nigella from the UK.  I like her easy but kind of elegant she is always hungry! Giada de Laurentiis, now that they have calmed her down.  She is simply a good cook who knows what she is doing.

I enjoy Facebook Scrabble with friends and random people and time management games on the computer. I am into Patterson (when he writes alone); David Baldacci if he isn't writing about the Camel Club, Karen White when I need soft fluff. Lisa Gardner when I need scaring, and Iris Johansen when she isn't looking for Bonnie's bones.

Photo: Say something about this photo...
And my backyard~

Photo: One clear sign that spring is on its way is the carpet of daffodils that have begun to pop up amongst the trees in St. James's Park. 
Isn't it beautiful?

Coming to a field near you...soon.

St James Park the UK.

I am enjoying the book Blackbirds
Baked in a Pie by Eugene Barter. It
is about a 60 year old who moved to a house in the foothills of the Pyrenees to start an auberge. There are stories about her guests, living in a foreign country, and recipes.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...