Sunday, April 5, 2020

Follow the fork 4

I had written Trader Joe's was closed much to my chagrin.  They are open it seems.  Who knew?  Beth was actually there and phoned to ask if I wanted anything and these carrots popped into my mind.  Roasted with olive oil, salt, and pepper they are so addictive and I can probably eat every one of these on the tray.  They are ready to go in the oven to be caramelized and roasted to perfection. Bella, the dog, and I fight over carrots.  Go figure. She can take a whole carrot, raw, and chew  it down to a nub in no time...and talk about roasted, that's when she really gets excited.  Less work for her.

I am just starting the book A Man called Ove.  My niece is excited about this book. I read a bit and was hooked so I had it sent to my Kindle.

Follow the fork 3

It is a good thing the family in crisis did not need the ham and beans that I had prepared for them this week.  They have food coming in to get them through several days.  I'll do it when they need it.  Beth will let me know.  What happened to the ham and beans...Johnny's three guys came to give the property a bath.  The power washer went all day and when it came to lunch, they enjoyed the entire crock pot of ham and beans.  Now, this is not a tiny crock is my biggest one.  I watched from afar and I believe they each had 3 large bowls.  It was so much fun to see them enjoy the food outside on the glorious day that it was.  I had a tub of water with Lysol and they took care of clean up and then after washing the dishes one guy loaded the dishwasher. They declared this job was like a vacation considering the enormous roofing jobs that they do day in and day out.  Thank God they have work. Many Branches sparkles.

Yesterday was our 61st wedding anniversary.  We had Chinese take out and sat around the fire pit and talked.  Oh, we had Perseco too.  We enjoyed the evening with Beth, Mike and Nate. I am not sure how correct this is but I think I have been on this property for six weeks straight.

  (My last hair appointment was the first week of January and I look awful now!  I have a mullet!  Can you imagine?) This too shall pass.  I just want to warn you how scary I look in case you drop by to shout hello from 10 feet away.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...