Saturday, June 4, 2016

Pining for peonies

Doris Lechler's photo.

When we first moved to this wonderful place that we waited 15 years to get, there was a lovely row of peonies but when we started construction and the pool and this and that, they sadly faded away.  Beth brought me a beautiful bouquet the other day and they just keep getting prettier and more blowsy.  Not in a coarse untidy way, but in a full bloom, happy way.  Love them and want to restart a nice selection.  Andy went to Oakland Park (his second home in the spring) and they sold him several nice plants without labels because someone had taken them off and so they did not know what color they will be; but I don't care, I love them all. Matt was here and planted them for us, but we are getting more. Yea!


And then there is kale from Andy's gardens...waiting to crisp in a hot oven with olive oil, salt and pepper.                                   
Doris Lechler's photo.

Doris Lechler's photo.
Crisp and delicious from the oven.  Good as chips, good on salads or on top of casseroles.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...