When ever I want to lure Beth home I say cabbage. She and I like it anyway it is presented. A new favorite is pepper bacon, peppers, and vegetables from the garden. Sliced tomatoes, corn on the cob and yippie dinner is served to the two of us but not the other three. (This picture is from the English Kitchen, with thanks.) She does such a good job with her recipes and pictures.
Then there is peach cobbler for dessert. Every Saturday during the summer Andy comes home with a basket of peaches. We have them every way except in cabbage. There we draw the line.There is also two dozen ears of corn in the bag and this time it is white. Little sweet pearls march up and down the cob and when tasted squirts of deliciousness pop and drip. Not a pretty sight, but there you go; it's summer.
Can you believe it is the 23rd of July? It seems the summer has just begun and now on TV they are selling Christmas. Makes me uncomfortable. Why can't we just enjoy one event at a time instead of looking ahead while missing every essence of the here and now? Well, I for one will not be putting up a tree anytime soon.
Fish, corn on the cob, sliced tomato salad, and peach cobbler...that's today's menu. Have a great week ahead. Hopefully, our lawn will be torn up by Columbia Gas this week. We have had it with the cold showers although they have been refreshing (don't tell them that or we will never get the job done.)