Saturday, July 13, 2013

To Market~To Market to buy a....

This is the most amazing video.  If you like dogs, well....

Andy has been to the outdoor market for our weekly basket of peaches which look fantastic today.  He has also bought corn on the cob for the first time this summer so we are gathering the crew for corn on the cob, egg plant Parmesan, Nate's home fries with onions and peppers, sliced tomatoes with basil and olive oil, and peaches over vanilla ice cream tonight. Everything fresh and available, except I am not making the ice cream. My ice cream is way too rich and I am saving it for special trips and occasions. This is simply a Saturday night for family to swim and have a bite to eat.

Nate, new to gardening but very good at it, started harvesting his Yukon gold potatoes and we have had a plethora of dishes from that harvesting already. Newly dug can't beat that.
Chicken and Sausage potato bake

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...