Wednesday, August 21, 2019

News of sorts

Andy and I are running around today.  We are heading to Sam's...which reminds me of a Cosco bit that was on the Internet.  It seems Cosco has quite a following.  People are wild to go there.  In the comments, and there were many and mostly funny were a couple that made me laugh out loud:
  "I went to Cosco today and bought the Cleveland Browns and a helicopter."
 "I went to Cosco today and the parking lot was empty.  I thought I had missed the rapture."

We had our last BLTs last night.  The tomatoes are officially done.  The squirrels are back to hurling the left overs at us from high in this one huge oak tree. Andy can be seen clearing out the yellow, very dry, vines.  It's a sad sight. Now that that's done I am going to slim down for Italy.  Although wine is not my first choice, I plan to make it my first choice on this trip. Pasta is not my first choice either, but seafood is, so I am looking forward to that treat as well.

Joe and Glenda are coming up for a few days.  The OSU games are about to begin and there will be several Saturdays of Lechlers visiting and attending the games from Cincinnati.  Andy has chosen different seats this year and is hoping they are as good as what he has had from previous years.  Now, the band show before the game is his favorite part of the Saturday game event.  He has also started his OSU classes.  This term is all about the environment.

ADT is coming today to update the security system concentrating on the outdoors.  They are hard wiring  everything so that we do not have to worry about changing batteries (which we are not good at.) It's a sad state of affairs that some people cannot keep their hands off of things that do not belong to them.  Creeping around not only at night on the property, but now days even in the daylight. Brazen!

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...