Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Say good-bye, Winter

Say good-bye, Winter. But not yet.  Columbus is covered in ice this morning. But that did not stop my husband Andy, age 79, from getting on the COTA bus and going to his classes at Ohio State.

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 It did not stop the newspaper guy delivering Cook's Corner to my door this morning either.  I enjoy Wednesday morning because I get to have my coffee and my fix of the Food and Life section of the Columbus Dispatch.  The people in charge have fooled with the newspaper for a year or two making it smaller and tweaking this and that; reducing the size of Cook's Corner, but like Andy, no matter what, it rises to the top and spreads joy... in this case on an icy Wednesday.

When Lisa Abraham took over Cook's Corner her first attempt was not good.  I did not know who was at the helm, but I wrote a rather nasty little email to the powers that be and in return for my bad attitude I received a lovely email from Lisa asking me to give her a chance. I did and she has proved her word.  She has made the most of her little corner of The Dispatch and I am so glad they hired her. Today she has this wonderful idea of 'guilty pleasures' in the food line.  She has asked everyone to write to her expressing their secret disgusting eating habits.  (Hers, the food editor mind you, is eating canned warmed butter beans on basic white bread with pepper accent.)  I will keep this blog informed of the other maladies that Columbus eaters confess to.  Think about yours.  I have so many at age 77 that I could probably fill the Food and Life section all by myself.  But, I will have to think about the most disgusting one and confess.  I owe that to Lisa.

Dog treats:
Have you priced dog food and dog treats lately?  I cannot believe how the prices have risen.  I started looking for recipes on line for some healthy dog treats and printed three recipes, one of which I used with great and easy success and I did not even try the other two.  This is a no bake, no cook dog treat that our four dogs love.  Yes, I said four and I know I have lost my mind, but I'd like another Yorkie. Any way, here is the recipe that your dogs will adore and so will you because it is fast, healthful and evidently delicious.  After you roll the balls, mark the container because they look like meatballs and your family might be looking for a late night treat in the frig--not that it would hurt them, but they might be off meatballs for a period of time due to the surprise.  On the other hand, they might like them so much they give up regular meatballs, but I digress.

Dog balls...well, that's not a good title. Sorry.
Dog treats:
1 cup of canned pumpkin--not the seasoned pie filling, the pure pumpkin puree
2 1/2 cups of oats (I use the old fashion and or the organic)
3 tablespoons of honey
1/2 cup of peanut butter
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Stir this together and chill or roll into balls first and chill
Store in the frig. THAT'S IT. Oh, you might as well double the batch especially if you have several dogs or big dogs and that way it uses up the pumpkin.  Or put a spoon of pumpkin on their regular dog food to get rid of the rest or store it in the frig for the next round.

They call this a cabbage pie for shock value, but it is really a frittata with a cabbage base.  Some people saute their cabbage first Lea leaves her cabbage raw for this recipe.  Either way you add what ever suits you and finish it off with the usual whipped egg topping and pop it in the oven until it sets..  I just thought it was an interesting idea and a nice picture.

2 cups of  shredded Cabbage 
3 Eggs
5 tbsp (1/3 cup) Sour Cream 
3 tbsp Mayonnaise 
6 tbsp Flour 
1 tsp Salt .
2 tsp Baking powder 
1 tbsp  Dill 
3 tbsp green onion
Sesame seeds (for sprinkling)

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...