Thursday, April 28, 2016

Spring flowers and parties

Don't you love the spring flowers?   
Forget-me-nots are so delicate and lovely.  Between pulling and killing weeds, these spring beauties make it all worth while.  We have such early planting this year and Andy and I and sometimes Beth make many many trips to the nursery.  Andy and Nate have started many seeds in the green house so they have an especially good start.  Here's hoping the weather forgets to change.

I am putting together the menu for the first of the graduation parties here at Many Branches.  Daniel from Cincinnati, graduating from Miami, and Brooks, graduating from the Citadel (with honors) will be the first of many honored for their hard work. Andy and I have been to the Andersons several times lately where they have prime rib sliders.  At least that is how we use them.  There are twenty to a package in the fresh meat department and they are simply scrumptious.  So a big platter of those will be set our early with the starters.

Honey Bourbon Steak Tips
Then, beef rib tips.  Have the butcher take a rack of baby back ribs and saw the rack right up the middle creating baby baby ribs which are delightful and easy to eat.  They can be in a crock pot which can be replenished as needed and any left overs are delicious. (Also from the Andersons, but I have had Carfagna's cut them for me as well.)

Prime rib sliders from Andersons. Delicious.

Doris Lechler's photo.

Keep watching and reading as I meander through the menu and plans.  There will be all ages and ranges as far as guests are concerned.  Guests are scattered all over the house and property and people just do what they want to do and there is certainly a lot to keep everyone happy.  Luckily everyone gets along, unlike the Real Housewives--they honestly cannot behave as guests or any other way. It is fascinating how some people can be so rude and be asked back again and again.  NOT HERE, however.

Posted by Abbey

1  c. Barbecue sauce (Sweet Baby Rays)
  • 1 c. Sweet Orange Marmalade
  • 2 1/2 T. Soy Sauce
  • 1/4 t. Ginger
  • 1/2 t. Garlic Salt
  • Popcorn Chicken
To keep this recipe really simple buy frozen popcorn chicken. Cook chicken according to directions. While chicken is cooking, combine BBQ sauce, marmalade, soy sauce, ginger, and garlic salt in a small sauce pan. Stir and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Pour sauce over chicken and toss until chicken is evenly coated. Serve atop rice.
I am going to make this to top my rice/tiny pasta dish (rice pilaf)

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...