Sunday, April 8, 2018


Sorry I have been off since someone, who shall remain nameless, messed with my computer in a fit of snit. I had to change everything in order to get back to my computer menu. Believe me, I have not been a nice girl since April 4th.

We have had three snows since the forsythia bloomed.  It covers everything but is gone by noon.  I hear we are in for another and then spring!!!  My planters are begging for blooms, the pool is begging to open, the wood is begging for paint--all in vain.

I have been cooking vegetables.  I bought so many for Easter that went unused.  They are still crisp and good so stir fries and salads have been on the menu for days on end.

Winston has a new swing and has enjoyed the Sunday sunshine as he swings back and forth with or without company.  He's a solitary dog and very wise.

Matt has arrived in Japan for two weeks.  I have not heard from him, but I expect he is very busy.  I hope he sends pictures.

I have been watching the cooking shows--just Pioneer Woman, Barefoot Contessa, Lidia and Martha on Public Television.  I do not care for the contests, Guy, or judging that goes on and on and on. Sigh.

Spring is in the air and I hope it puts me in a better mood SOON, please.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...