Sunday, November 3, 2019

Pumpkin pancakes

This is birthday week for Beth, our daughter-in-law, so to start it off we took her to the original pancake house.  Everyone had decided the same thing and the wait was to be 50 minutes, but it turned out to be only 35 minutes and they had a nice fire going for those who had to wait.  I ordered pumpkin pancakes and were they delicious.  But, the best things only got better.  The coffee was the best I have ever tasted and the carafe of freshly squeezed orange juice kept our glasses full. Mike had hash with German-style potato patties. We all had something different and passed tastes around.  We were not rushed even though people still waited to get in and by the time we had finished there was no line. I think they close at about 2:30 in the afternoon.

I look forward to 6:00, my good TV starts with Victoria and the good shows on public television run on until 11:00 or maybe later. Sunday night is a good TV night.

Mike has treated Beth to a four-day (birthday) retreat and conference starting Wednesday or Thursday, not sure which. After the wedding in Italy and the travel she can use some down time.

All is well here at Many Branches as I look forward to Thanksgiving in New Orleans and the family down there.  It turns out it will be a big delicious affair with, hopefully, onion pie.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...