Thursday, July 26, 2018

How do I love thee BLT?

Love this season; corn on the cob, tomatoes, and bacon lettuce and tomato toasted sandwiches.  Andy cannot resist them and at times tries to hog the bacon.  One minute there is a pile and I leave the room and it has disappeared and I know the dogs are too short to reach the counters. Watermelon once was on that list, but I have not found a good watermelon in years.  Yes, years!  Peaches.  I forgot peaches.  Let's face it, there isn't much that I don't like about summer.  Well, I don't like things that fly in the house.

Andy brought in eggplants today and they have made me feel guilty every time I walk by them.  So I turned them into eggplant parma and Beth is the only one who likes to eat these beautiful offerings from the garden.  Joe and Glenda like it, but only if I bread and fry the eggplant slices first.  Beth does not care.  But I think this is a good dish today and she always appreciates whatever I make.

It is pool floating time and cleaning the pool steps time, so out I go to beef up my tan which has had a rest for about a week with all the rain.  We are still having the yard mowed even this late in the season because of all the moisture.  It is still lush and green and does not feel like straw when you step on it.

I cannot believe they are talking about school already.  They usually wait until August at least, but no it's winter clothes and school supplies they are blabbering about on TV.  Oh, Southern Charm is on tonight.  I'm obsessed with their bad behavior.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...