Friday, October 9, 2015

The flaw~

Anyone who knows my husband, Andy, likes him or loves him or both. He has no enemies at all which is rare in this world.  He is the best husband a woman could have and an excellent hands on father and grandfather. However, he has a flaw, but only one I hasten to write. He has no bed side manner AT ALL.  He is very good at running to the drug store to buy what ever potion that might help me get out of this or that ailment and he is very good at waking me up once I get into a good sleep in order to make sure I am not dead yet; but only if his movie has ended or his study is complete or he has had a bite to eat.  Then I pop into his mind and he comes upstairs to see if I am breathing, leaving mind you, without asking if I would like water or a cracker or a heating pad...nothing.  Except for yesterday.  I had been sick and in and out of the bathroom for 28 hours straight. I am finally starting to get some sleep when I hear him climbing the stairs. He is so cheerful as he pats my limp arm and lovingly asks if I would like a gin and tonic.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...