Thursday, November 21, 2019

Chicken soup with's nice

I made the best soup this morning.  I felt a cold coming on and chicken soup with rice popped into my mind then cured me. I've told you Sam's has the best rotisserie chickens. They are larger and cheaper than Krogers and just as delicious. They give you so much meat you have trouble figuring out a number of dishes in which to put this delightful display that you did not have to tear up the kitchen to prepare. Slice it and serve it with potato salad or diced into soups, stews, salads, or chicken pot name just a few uses. (I have a kettle right next to me in which to put the bones and skin along with fresh herbs and water to cover for chicken broth.)  I waste nothing.  For soups, I clear the fridge of vegetables that need using.  I even get into the freezer to check it out just so I can add what would be delicious to this luscious recipe (which is no recipe at all.

We are completely decorated for Christmas (because we are not having Thanksgiving at home.) If we wait to get home then Christmas is around the corner and we end up putting up Christmas decorations only to take them down a few days later.  If I can't enjoy them for at least a month, then I won't put them up at all.  I do like the comfort of them, especially at night.  I like to walk the house and enjoy the warmth and the memories they evoke. I like to picture the trees and tables so that I can say, in my old age, oh, that was Christmas 2019 and so and so was here with us or I wish so and so were here to see this festive offering of Christmas.

I wish you all well while preparing the big birds and I hope all of your favorite people are with you this Thanksgiving and for the wonderful holiday to follow.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...