Saturday, July 15, 2017

Shades of Paris markets

Image may contain: food

  Black berry cobbler.           

Image may contain: food and indoor

We have two really good outdoor markets that I know about.  The one in Worthington is very large and diverse and very well attended.+  The one in Clintonville will find Andy standing in the peach line because he is a peach to do it and because the peach man grows really good peaches.  Good enough for a line which is the envy of all the other stall holders.  However, while Andy stood in the peach line the picture shows what I was doing...I really went to town on the fresh produce and fruit that was offered on this spectacular Saturday.  I won't do it in the muggy heat, but the breeze and the sun made the crowded affair worth every step.  I took my Paris red cart and shopped while Andy waited for his turn at the peaches.  He will be there every Saturday until they are gone. I will be there when the weather is just right, like today.  The blackberries were thimble sized and they are now in a cobbler in the oven.  The sweet corn was perfect and there a dozen ears ready for the taker.  We have used four dozen ears so far this season and all have been tasty.

I thought of the outdoor markets in Paris as soon as I stepped from the shaded car into the fray.  Carts, and dogs, and babies, and hand holders--it's an event as the couples stroll with their coffees through the crowded market. The cut flowers were glorious and the sunflowers were as big as luncheon plates...had to have a bouquet to mix with my mop head hydrangeas.

This place won't let me put a picture on now...But there is one in the post before this one. Just scroll down after this post.

Saturday market finds

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, table, food and outdoor

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...