Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Life goes on...luckily

I need not have worried about too many tomatoes this year.  They have finished already.  They were also very small.  I heard several people say how small the tomatoes were this season. This is the first year in the 34 years we have lived here that we did not have a big garden.  The containers were good, but we think, too, that it was the dryness of the last few weeks that did them in. (It could be too that we had more BLTs this year than any other year.  That's got to stop and this is nature's way of saying so.)

Life without Winston has stabilized.  I only cry once a day now when I see something that tugs at my heart.  He was such a joy.

On a happy note, we have booked our rooms at Claiborne Mansion in New Orleans for Thanksgiving. Cloe, who has been very quiet of late, came to when I wrote that we were thinking of coming down for the holiday. 

Our Italy tour and wedding plans have firmed up to the point of no return and life is moving along too fast but in the right direction.

It's seafood today at Many Branches.  I have a concoction that will please everyone except Mike.  He is not a fan. Mashed potatoes with salmon and shrimp.  The mash is the star of this dish with no recipe, as usual.

We are getting a bit of rain today.  The plants are saying thank you as they bid summer farewell.
Our good boy, Winston.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...