Friday, July 3, 2020

Shrimp burgers

For lunch today I fixed beautiful to look at and delicious to taste shrimp burgers with a slice of tomato and a bouquet of basil leaves with a tad of mayo...all on a brioche bun that was soft as silk. Our herbs are jumping out of the pots this year, I think because we are watering in the morning and evening during this 90 degree heat.  They are happy making us happy.

Andy has been in the pool today and he also found my pool chair float, so it is in the pool waiting for me.  Maybe we will all go in when everyone gets home.  I have not cooked dinner, just don't feel like it tonight. I am eager to find out if the guys working outside had to wear masks outside while working. It will be one difficult task if they had to do this.  They have little contact with anyone, so maybe not.  The rest of us stick to the rules and I am ready to keep staying home and so is Andy.

Bella has a dental operation on Monday.  Since I lost two dogs within four months I am feeling skittish.  Did you know the Yorkie breed is known for dental problems?  Dr. Nicole told me I would be surprised at how many Yorkies are running around with no teeth at all. Bella has had 12 pulled to date and Monday there are some more on the agenda.  My dogs have always liked getting into cars.  It is so crazy because nothing good happens to them as a result of getting into the's the vet or grooming neither of which appealed to our dogs.  I think, however, Bella, the least clever and sweetest has learned her lesson and now resists when the leash comes out.

Note: The operation did not happen.  The virus struck the vet (animal) hospital and all must test negative before opening again. Will it ever end?

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...