Monday, September 16, 2019

Countdown has begun

Well, it is finally close to being here:  Brooks comes home from the hell hole of the world in a few days, hopefully for good, and his sister's wedding happens in a few days.  I have six major things to get done before I leave for Italy on October 3rd and that does not include packing which also has begun.  The first of the six is the dentist this morning and that is not to be fun...none of the six will be all that giddy inducing, but all are necessary.  Beth says there are 70 people coming to the wedding in Italy.  Can you believe that many people are making the effort to go that far to celebrate with us?  Must be good friends and good family. I have a new phone and a back-up portable battery charger, so the pictures will be flying right from the start.  I am traveling alone but when I get to Rome and the baggage pick-up Johnna, my daughter-in-law, and her sister arrive supposedly fifteen minutes later from a different flight and will meet me for the pick -up of the tour guide.  I am certain they will not leave me miserably riding the luggage carousel for hours on end.  It's detailed but workable.

I have begun to really enjoy the Pioneer Woman on Food network TV. I'm sure you have all seen her programs.  Her recipes are really doable and she is easy to watch as she prepares her dishes.
  On the other hand, I am waiting with impatience for the fall line up of programs.  Why can't they get good summer shows? With all the talent available, why do we have the trash that is on during the summer?  Beth and I are going to the Downton Abbey movie right away.  We are looking forward to it.

Saturday Joe, Glenda, and Kathy will be here for the game and over night.  I think I am making chili for when they arrive because with the band show before the game and the long game, they will get hungry. Busy time at Many time to get old, stay on foot and be active I say. 

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...