Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Follow the fork

How are you all doing? This isolation isn't so bad. Before long there will be beauty and planting and sitting in the sun.  Our pool opened beautifully this year and there is very little to be done with it.  Last year it looked like the creature from the black lagoon lived there all winter. We are looking forward to the house and building's bath this Saturday.

It seems like I am cooking for a crowd every day since Nate has started eating here again.  He has discerning taste and it is a pleasure getting a compliment now and then. Tonight it is fried rice and a bowl of 3 different sausages and two different beans in the soup.  There is a salad, but nothing to rave about there.

I am hearing from my friends around the world and I think they have it much worse than we do.  They are really scared. Alex and her new husband Kyle are both new doctors and really young.  They are on the front line at a Dayton hospital with 18 hour days. It is a real worry for the family.

Hang in there.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...