Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Care package

Monica and crew come to clean today and then we have treated Matt and Stacy to cleaners because of two small children and their hectic life style at the moment.  So Monica comes here and I then load her down with a box of goodies for Matt and Stacy to get them through the week without having to cook,...or clean.  Today, the box is filled with three soups: Cincinnati chili, mushroom, and spicy vegetable (soups). There is also a container of Rice Krispie treats.

I do love a clean house and a fresh bed.  I look forward to Monica's day which is Wednesday.  I find I like Wednesday better than Friday, unless there is to be a party.  Wednesday one gets to enjoy the clean a lot longer than a Friday clean because of all the traffic in and out during the weekend.

Well, the deer spent the day and early evening in our backyard yesterday.  The neighbors noticed and said they have taken up residency.  I can only hope they are mistaken although I did see them eyeing the last fruit tree yesterday.  They like the secret garden too for some reason.  I think it is the hostas that they enjoy--their form of salad.

Jimmy, Andy's brother, is coming up Saturday and he and Andy are going to the OSU game.  It's to be in the forties. Yiikes.  Glad I am not expected to attend. They start off at the band show (inside) which Andy adores.  Then they move to very good seats in the Horseshoe. Andy has had tickets for decades and shares the season with relatives from Cincinnati.

Well, it's mid-week and mid-day.  I hope you enjoy the sunshine. (Still have not found a gripper to read.  Reacher is now on my last nerve.)

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...