Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sunday morning breakfast

Is there anything tastier than Sunday morning breakfasts?  We had one today that was so simple but truly delicious.  It was a one skillet wonder.  First I took my trusty Cutco scissors and snipped off the end of a bacon package including a couple of inches of the bacon at the same time.  I had the skillet hot and I peeled the small squares of bacon into the hot pan adding a chopped shallot.  Once the bacon was starting to brown I put in two or three cups of frozen hash browns and stirred and mixed until I had a browned base on the potatoes and the bacon was really crispy.  I slid the contents over after giving them salt, pepper, and Sirach and slipped in three eggs in the vacant space stirring slowly until they were perfectly scrambled.  I summoned Andy and he was all in for the treat before he went outside to plant the first onions of the season.  Yes, It is spring.

We had Eric mend the fences yesterday.  I feel like we are on a ranch with miles of mending to be done.  Eric always does the job well, so the dogs may be safe for awhile although coyotes can jump a fence from a standing position just like a deer, or so I am told. I have seen deer do that.

We are not hosting Easter this year.  We have decided to go out for Easter because the following Saturday is an evening trip to Cincinnati for a much-anticipated wedding.  We figured everyone would be too busy to come to Columbus at this particular time and besides, it gives me another break from creating a couple of big meals.

Matt' s sideline sales on eBay are promising.  He and Stacy are creating a business in addition to their other jobs.  I remember when Andy and I sold on eBay.  It was so exciting, interesting, and rewarding.  It almost makes me want to go at it again, but nah; I'll leave it to them.  I am out of all businesses. 

I am into an exciting new book by James Patterson...I know, I know, I said I was done with him, but I read the blurb for The First Lady and was hooked.  Give it a try.  I am on chapter 15.Note: I finished this good book and also just finished The House Next Door by James Patterson.  It too was a good read.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...