Saturday, July 21, 2018

corn and peach season

They are upon us.  Andy just returned from the outdoor market with a dozen ears of fresh white corn and a large basket of ripe, lovely, delicious peaches...I'm a happy woman today.  I had a pot of potato soup on the stove when he left and I never thought sweet corn would be available but because of all the rain and sun the corn shot out of the earth like it was their last day to grow.  So, Andy shucked a few ears, I cut the corn off the cob and added the kernels to the potato soup (chowder). I am dreaming up other ways to use the remaining ears and how to use up all the peaches before next week.

I have become a Southern Charm junkie (the original one, I don't do the spin offs.) I can't believe the messes that people make with their lives.  My mouth hangs open the entire time until the episode ends. Then I turn it over in my mind as though they were members of the family and I have to fix them.  Well, I now know there is no fixing them.  They are what you see on that show. Like to see it, don't want to live it.

I am back on the John Sandford Prey series.  I finished Twisted Prey and am now on Golden Prey.  Nothing great but he is keeping my interest.

We re in for several days of gentle rain.  That means I will be in the kitchen.  My niece Nancy, and her husband, Danny, will be here Monday and Monday night and they better come hungry. I'll be ready for them.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...