Sunday, September 24, 2017

All quiet on the home front

Today marked the first quiet day we have had in some time.  All the guests, known and unknown, have departed and we are in our slumming clothes and doing as we please.  The rest of September should be like this.  October will not be too busy, but look out November.

I sent a few squash home with Joe and Glenda and then made some butternut squash with brown sugar and butter.  It is tasty.
I continue to cook from what is on the property to clean out the refrigerator, some of the freezers and the pantries.  We have some good stuff in there.  While Glenda and Joe were here I cooked a lot and one of the things I made which was pretty good to welcome fall was Cincinnati chili. They had brought a couple of Grater's coffee cakes.  The pecan was delicious.  I had made ham and bean soup and sent the rest home with them.  Matt came over with Madeleine Friday night so we had steaks. (Well, she didn't but the adults did.) I have been making lots of simple salads and I am craving them for some reason.

I have met a new author introduced to me by Nancy, my niece.  I will let you know if he is a keeper.  He has done five books so far and I am on the first.

With the left over chili, I will turn it into shepherd's pie and top it with mac&cheese instead of potatoes as presented by The English Kitchen.

Image may contain: food

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...