Sunday, January 14, 2018

Hasselback potatoes

Why these delicious potatoes are called that, I have no idea.  But I know my man is wild about them.  We have had them two days straight and now I am making 8 of them for Beth to take to work tomorrow.  They are having some kind of potato feast. There is really no recipe, for just as you can do anything to a baked potato, you can do the same with the Hasselback.  Just take a potato of the size you like and cut thin slits almost to the bottom, but not quite, and carefully fan out the slits.  I put a lot of stuff in between the slits to bake, actually, for more than an hour. Do just as you would a baked potato.  The video of someone making these is on my Facebook, so I won't repeat the recipe here.  (The word Hasselback is because of the restaurant in Sweden where this type of potato presentation was first offered to the customer.)    

Here is the mouth of winter at our house:

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To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...