Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Eggs and their salads

My sister-in-law, Glenda, always makes deviled eggs as her contribution to a family party. She likes to stick to her tried and true (and delish) recipe.  On the other hand, I cannot leave well enough alone. I am always adding a dash of this or that, so, like my soup dishes, my egg dishes never taste the same way twice. Today, Wednesday, Cook's Corner has a couple of egg salad recipes that you might like to try.   I had not thought of the addition of cream cheese and that's what they have done in one of these simple offerings for egg salad:

1-  8 oz block of soft cream cheese
2 hard-cooked chopped eggs
1/2 cup or more chopped salad olives, including pimento undrained

Mash the cheese, eggs, and olives together.  The juice from the olives will add saltiness to the salad.  The mixture should not be runny.  Refrigerate.  This spread is best made a day before serving.  It will be quite firm and this recipe is easily doubled.

Egg salad

6 hard-cooked eggs, chopped
1/2 cup mayo
1 tablespoon yellow mustard (I would use grainy)
salt and pepper to taste

You can dress it up with pickles, olives, onions or relish, as you please.

These are very basic and simple recipes but then I am feeling simple today (in more ways than one.)

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...