Monday, July 16, 2018


Today I have been building up things that don't need electricity because tomorrow at 8:00am shut down is on to fix our amps problems. Everyone is gone all afternoon today so I watched Fracture a really good movie with Ryan Gosling and Anthony Hopkins.  If you haven't watched it, you are missing out.  It is on Netflix but I bet it is on other places too.  Andy watches youtube and I expect it is on there as well...and I bet that is not how you write youtube is it? lol

In preparation, I have been filling my Kindle with a book or two.  I am back with John Sanford  in Twisted Prey.  I read many of his books and then got tired of him and now I am back and will catch up on his latest offerings.

You know my kitchen is closed so after church Sunday night we were Lucky to find Lucky's Chinese food in front of us for a delicious meal. One of the dishes was sweet and sour shrimp and I took the sauce to save it for a pork roast for when my kitchen has electricity again. The sauce will be delicious on one of those small long pork roasts either fixed on the grill or in the oven along with roasted potatoes and caramelized carrots.  Here is hoping two men can fix us up in an all-day wiring marathon, we are old and need our air conditioning and I am eager to get in the kitchen. It has been three and a half days and I am ready to cook! The up side is that I am cleaning sections of the kitchen a bit at a time and they are staying that way for now. Sadly, that won't last, but I enjoy the sparkle right now.

Just now a gentle rain has started and that's when I like to open the back kitchen door and cook while the dogs lay in the doorway content to wait for Andy to get home from class. Sigh.  Next time.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...