Friday, December 22, 2017

We are all set~

We have gotten so much done since first starting the cooking and set ups early. I don't know how people do it at the last minute, it would stress me out for sure.  David and dog arrived yesterday and both have adapted beautifully.  The dog is accustomed to being in charge in Florida, but has settled down to pamper stage.  David has gifted me with another security feature and has just installed the Ring system to the front door camera and all.  George put in driveway security during Thanksgiving, so we will surely catch the buggers if they try anything on Many Branches property. We now have 18 dishes prepared or oven ready for the two meals tomorrow, and I am still perking along.  Nancy and Danny will arrive late tonight due to an emergency, but all I have left to do are the scalloped potatoes with ham, and to roast the beef tenderloin and heat the spiraled ham.

In a Mexican restaurant one time, a friend ordered shrimp already in cocktail sauce with saltine crackers. I am doing that for starters but with those crackers that I wrote about in the previous post and also on Facebook.  I think that will be a special treat to lay a shrimp laden with sauce, on one of those special crackers. Yum.

JD and Johnna arrive at 6:45 by plane; let's hope it is on time.  We will all be waiting, but hopefully with full stomachs. until the candlelight meal.  Merry Christmas to all and I, for one, will be glad when this holiday is over. It came way too fast and stayed way to long, and way way too much fun.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...