Saturday, January 19, 2019


I had forgotten David Lebovitz for almost a year!  Until today when his name popped up and I visited Paris flea markets (from home) again with him and his blog. He is American but lives in Paris and writes cookbooks such as The Great Book of Chocolate, Ready for Dessert, My Paris Kitchen, and The Sweet Life in Paris. If you are going antiquing in Paris you might want to read his blog feature of Paris Flea Markets.  I visited many of those listed, but since the dynamics of buying and selling antiques has radically changed, there were a few that I missed in his listing.  There were, however, several that he missed although they may no longer exist.  It is strange how one can obsess about a blog for years and then forget about it or become bored with it and then give it a rest. It was the same with The English Kitchen blog.  After her book came out with everything in it...what was the point of following the blog?  I have been following Carlsbadcravings all last year, but am slowing on that one as well.  People come and go on my blog too and after over 800 posts, it may be time to hang it up.  I have to say though, don't miss the earlier posts.  I had a lot to say then but may have said it all in these 800 postings.  I tired of Ina Garten and Martha Stewart.  I don't like it when they cook with other people and have too much fun to stomach. Martha is now only on public television and she usually cooks alone and it is quiet and calming.  She is a good teacher and her results are picture perfect. Ina just has too much fun giggling and praising her cooking guests as though she does not know how to do whatever they are preparing.  She has fed thousands and there is not much that she does not know about cooking, so she should just get on with it and calm down. I like Lydia, the Italian who owns several restaurants and has, too, a wonderful large shop in New York.  I want to visit that store that features hundreds of kinds of pasta as well as all types of kitchen and cooking utensils and ingredients. Well, I ramble...give David Lebovitz's blog a look and see if you like his writing. Catch Lydia on Saturdays on public television.  That's where I am going now.  I don't like missing her half an hour show.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...