Wednesday, October 22, 2014

It looks like a tomato, but it's an apple~

Deceptive: It may look like a tomato, but this is the world's first red-fleshed apple that has gone on sale in Britain

Deceptive: It may look like a tomato, but this is the world's first red-fleshed apple that has gone on sale in Britain and now America. (And the Lechlers don't like it.)

You know about our fun trip to Lynd's fruit market that has turned into such an arena that people come to spend the day.  There are hayrides, jams, jellies and apple butters to name but a few items.  Fancy cars leaving with corn stalks and straw spilling out the back to carry it all home to the front door for decoration and into the kitchen for delicious pies and tarts and jams, oh my. Then there is the red-fleshed apple of which we bought way too many. We didn't care for them at all it seemed.

So today was find a way to use this fruit without gagging and applesauce seemed to be the answer.  I made all of the apples into a sauce that refused to get sweet so I thought cake and the cake saved their little red -fleshed lives. I had no spice cake mix and the other colors would have been odd looking because you cannot cook the red out of these apples; so it is hidden in this new-fangaled chocolate cake which has yet to be tasted...but it's pretty. Stay tuned for the tasting as everyone gets home for dinner. Note: Mike liked the tart from yesterday and ate half of it, he liked the applesauce and I imagine he will like the cake.  Beth and Andy liked the applesauce and the cake.  But I don't see any of them eating this apple on its own.

Oh my, yes, it works.  Very moist, light and delicious.

TV notes:
Love (evening) TV. I enjoy The Voice very much and last night I discovered Blackish. I then went back to on Demand and watch the ones I had missed of this new comedy which comes on right after Modern Family. Also on Demand is the movie CHEF. That was a good 'food truck' movie.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...