Saturday, August 21, 2021

 Hello again.  I am alive.  It has been a rough couple of months, but things are looking up.  I hope I made my last trip to the dentist.  Love him, but don't want to see him again...ever. Too, I hope this is the last new computer I have to buy.  Matt has practically moved in to keep things rolling. (Not really, but he has helped a great deal.) Life is complicated.

My Kindle has been having a work out. I swear the new TV shows are horrible and they keep dragging in the old shows from eons ago which we have seen many many times. The new talent they have dug up is hard to watch; so crude, fighting, drinking and misbehaving. I must admit I used to watch some of the shows like that.  It was like a train wreck I didn't want to see it but could not resist the shock factor. They verbalize everything and say things I have no idea what they are talking about. Oh well, to each his own. I have a few favorites and enjoy Sunday night TV best at this point.

I just finished reading The Chelsea Girls by Fiona Davis.  I have read several of her books and enjoyed them and just discovered some I had missed. I just bought The Address by her. The Paris Dressmaker was good too. Amazon has another nice feature and that is if you have bought the book, forgot about it, they always give you a message saying when you bought the book so you don't buy it again.  Even with that I have to keep a list.

Our great granddaughters were here for the afternoon.  What a delight. We think everything they do is smart and cute--never having had girls we are besotted. They will be getting a brother in December.  That will put the cat among the pigeons. Look out!

Nate has been keeping us in flowers, peaches, and apples.  He drives pretty far to find the best and makes the trips count. We are so lucky to have him with us.

I will try to be more interesting as I creep back into the blogging world.  Thanks for reading.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...