Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Fall is afoot

I couldn't make this special jam without some homemade Hawaiian rolls.

Image may contain: food and indoor

Recipe from carlsbadcravings. Picture too.  You should really take a look at Jen's site.

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I don't want to let summer go.  I haven't had enough of it, but there you are, fall is on its way.  Acorns are falling and a few leaves have started to scatter across the lawn.  Two mornings in a row it has been cooler than normal, a sure sign of what is to come.  As the day proceeds, the warmth returns and we are spared for a few more days. It is time to plan for Labor Day week end.  Alyssa and Brooks are coming home and Joe and Glenda are coming a week from Friday ahead of the rest of the Cincy gang so we will have drinks, play cards, and have a nice meal or three.

I had to use the rest of the Saturday peaches before they were lost and I made an amazing peach concoction that would do well on vanilla ice cream or warm toast or home made bread.
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Matt has been doing amazing work around here this summer.  He is now painting an antique bird cage and a Victorian metal gazebo that is back near the secret garden.  He has also cut down four dead fruit trees and worked hard on getting things in order for the party week end. (This is not the bird cage, ours is white metal that matches the gazebo.)  This bird house made me miss summer ahead of its leaving.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...