Monday, June 26, 2017

Fun is afoot

 Flag Blow Wind 

Party season at Many Branches has started with Joe and Glenda arriving Saturday and staying through July 4th celebration here.  We are going to make it less about the food and more about the company.  Simple and help are two words for the next few weeks.  Can you believe July 4th is upon us already?  I have been a slug just hanging out and reading, reading, reading.  I found an author that I am enjoying and I think she has about 48 books on the market and I have only read seven so far.  Mariah Stewart is her name, but, she is going to have to take a back seat now that company is coming.

We have also tied up the November birthday celebration venue in New Orleans.  Emails have clogged the Internet getting that set.  Planes have been booked, suites have been saved so we can relax until November where that is concerned.

Then there is Matt and Stacy's wedding the 2nd of Labor Day weekend and the party here the next day.

Life is good. 

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...