Thursday, April 30, 2020

Bad virus, bad beans

I know there are bigger disappointments due to the virus than with party and wedding plans made and moved several times, but it is jolting.  Things are definitely out of control right now. We alone have had five events this spring that simply did not happen. Luckily everyone here is safe and healthy, but still we are not used to disappointments I guess. It is more important to get the economy moving and people back to work although that is going to be a problem when you figure those on unemployment are making more not working than working in many cases. I don't think the powers that be thought that through. I just feel our great-granddaughters will not know us once we get to see them again.  Luckily they have a good mother and father to keep them happily occupied.

I have banned beans from the property.  NO more bean soup from my kitchen.  I can't eat it, it destroys my stomach and now I discovered last night I cannot even taste the cooking juice for seasoning. I've been up all night and just now settled down with a cup of tea.  Andy and I were going to Dill's this morning for coral geraniums but that got ditched as well thanks to beans that I did not even eat...not one. Beans and the virus, boo humbug!!!

I am not cooking today as you might have guessed and the family won't be eating beans. The beans have landed in the garbage disposal. Good riddance.

 Well, this is a cheerful post don't you think?

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...