Thursday, November 18, 2021

Baby sitting...check

 Things change so quickly; last post I was lamenting about clear lights and only finding LED lights.  All of a sudden the shipment must have come through to Amazon, the lights are everywhere, but now I am out of the mood.  It is no small thing to string all of those lights into a design while on a ladder, so I will leave it until next year and we will start earlier.

We are full of pork.  Nate and I have mastered the smoker , in our eyes mind you. The pork is so rich I can't eat too much of it, but it is delicious. If you are not in a hurry, it is the way to any easy entree.

We will be having another toned down Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. I will just wait to see what plans everyone has and go from there. Nate will be traveling, but only for a month. 

Monday we were treated to a surprise; Stacy called to ask if she could drop off the girls while she went to the doctor.  Andy and I were beside ourselves with glee. Mike was catatonic...he cannot believe that we could handle the girls ages 2 and 5 at our advanced age.  Never mind I had taught school for thirty years managing quite a few more than two. The girls were perfect. I had things set up so we did not have to scramble to find a pass time...and I had plenty of ice cream as back up if a crying jag should present itself. It was so calm and serene even I was surprised. Matt and Stacy are doing a great job as parents. When the girls left I went to take a little nap which turned into a few hours, but hey, we are retired after all.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...