Monday, May 6, 2019

Glorious Monday

That's the thing about a long winter, every spring day the sun comes out is a glorious day here at Many Branches.  I get to soak my bones in the sun and gaze around thankful for what I see.  

I will be doing maintenance for a few weeks now getting ready for some long trips. You know like getting new glasses for reading, having the bump on the top of my foot looked at, nothing serious but all necessary.

I have a nice pork shoulder marinating right now.  I have plans for it which should please the family.  Yesterday I made a scrumptious Cinco de Mayo chili with corn chips, cheese, and Andy's crop of fresh green onions.  It had a little kick. There is just enough for today's lunch for two.

Things are dropping from the trees like mad this spring.  Oak trees' moss is having a day of it, then the cottonwoods will act up and cover the tennis court like a duvet...  followed closely by spinners.  The pool works overtime clearing the water and in the end it will all come together for a good swim and some parties, with lovely trees to shade it all like a warm embrace of spring guiding summer into place. (I wax nostalgic.) Also a lot of I, I,  in this post. Sorry.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...